Basics: Name Constraints

Name restrictions are a part of the X.509 standard and in the RFC 5280 described. They are a tool that can be used within the qualified subordination can be used to control the validity range of a certification authority certificate in a fine-grained manner.

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Basics: Configuration file for the certification authority (capolicy.inf)

The capolicy.inf contains basic settings that can or should be specified before installing a certificate authority. In simple terms, it can be said that no certificate authority should be installed without it.

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Basics: Restricting Extended Key Usage (EKU) in Certification Authority Certificates

A useful hardening measure for Certification Authorities is to restrict the Certification Authority certificates so that they are only used for the actually issued extended key usage (Extended Key Usage) becomes familiar.

In the event of a compromise of the certification authority, the damage is then (at least) limited to the defined extended key usages.

The Smart Card Logon Extended Key Usage, which is of interest for many attacks (in conjunction with the certification authority's membership in NTAuthCertificates) would then only be present in the certification authority certificate of the certification authority that actually issues such certificates.

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