Restoration of a Certification Authority Certificate with Hardware Security Module (HSM)

The following describes how to restore a certificate authority certificate with software key.

Restoring the certification authority certificate may be necessary for the following reasons:

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View and clear the revocation list address cache (CRL URL Cache).

All applications that use the Microsoft Cryptographic Application Programming Interface Version 2 (Crypto API Version 2, CAPI2) have a mechanism for caching certificate revocation information (Certificate revocation lists and OCSP-answers).

Thus, there is no guarantee that, for example, a newly published blacklist will be used by participants before the previous blacklist, which is still in the cache, has expired.

The following describes how to view and influence the blacklist cache.

Continue reading „Den Adress-Zwischenspeicher für Sperrlisten (CRL URL Cache) einsehen und löschen“

Transfer certificate revocation lists to revocation list distribution points using SSH Secure Copy (SCP) with public key authentication (Windows Server 2019).

If the servers providing the revocation list distribution points are located in a Demilitarized Zone (DMZ), for example, or data transfer via Server Message Block (SMB) is not possible for other reasons, the blacklists can be transferred to the distribution points using SSH Secure Copy (SCP). As of Windows Server 2019, the OpenSSH server and client packages are available. The following describes the setup with authentication via public keys (Public Key Authentication) instead of passwords as an example

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