Description of the EDITF_ADDOLDKEYUSAGE flag

When installing a subordinate certificate authority, you may encounter the following behavior:

  • One requests a Key Usage extension that is marked as critical, for example, or does not include DigitalSignature.
  • However, the certificate issued by the parent certificate authority includes DigitalSignature, and the Key Usage extension is marked as non-critical.
  • The parent certification authority is a standalone certification authority, i.e. without Active Directory integration.

The requested Key Usage extension can be displayed during a certificate request with the following command line command:

certutil -dump {certificate request}.req

However, it appears that the requirements are ignored by the standalone Certification Authority.

One reason for wanting to see the described features in the Key Usage extension is that the Common PKI (also known as ISIS-MTT) Certificate profile.

RFC5280, which is relevant to PKI, also recommends that the Key Usage extension be marked as critical:

When present, conforming CAs SHOULD mark this extension as critical.

But why does the Certification Authority ignore the information in the certificate request? Let's first take a look at the request before it is issued by the certification authority. To do this, we click in the Certification Authority Management Console under Pending Requests at All TasksView Attributes/Extensions...

In the Extensions tab, we see that the Key Usage extension is not taken from the certificate request at all, but is specified by the Policy module.

With an Active Directory-integrated certificate authority, the settings from the respective certificate templates are used. However, this is not possible with a standalone certification authority due to the lack of certificate templates.

For a standalone certificate authority, when the policy module detects that the request is for a certificate authority certificate, the following bits are enforced for the key usage extension:


In addition, the Key Usage extension is marked as non-critical.

Responsible for this behavior is the flag EDITF_ADDOLDKEYUSAGE. You can find out if it is set with the following command line command:

certutil -v -getreg Policy\EditFlags 

If you want to prevent the described behavior, you can do this with the following command line command.

certutil -setreg Policy\EditFlags -EDITF_ADDOLDKEYUSAGE

The certification authority service must then be restarted for the change to take effect. After that, the certificate request can be resubmitted and should now be issued correctly.

After the change, the Key Usage extension is still set by the Policy module, but now the settings from the certificate request are passed through.

Here is an example of a critical key usage extension without DigitalSignature:

Here is an example of a not-critical Key Usage Extension with DigitalSignature:

Related links:

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