Details of the event with ID 4870 of the source Microsoft-Windows-Security-Auditing

Event Source:Microsoft Windows Security Auditing
Event ID:4870 (0x1306)
Event log:Security
Event type:Information
Event text (English):Certificate Services revoked a certificate. Serial Number: %1 Reason: %2
Event text (German):Certificate Services has revoked a certificate. Serial number: %1 Cause: %2


The parameters contained in the event text are filled with the following fields:

  • %1: CertificateSerialNumber (win:UnicodeString)
  • %2: RevocationReason (win:UnicodeString)
  • %3: SubjectUserSid (win:SID)
  • %4: SubjectUserName (win:UnicodeString)
  • %5: SubjectDomainName (win:UnicodeString)
  • %6: SubjectLogonId (win:HexInt64)

In contrast to operational events, which are often understood under the term "monitoring", auditing for the certification authority is the configuration of logging of security-relevant events.

Example events

Certificate Services revoked a certificate.
Serial Number: 730000005b712608f19c99f667000000005b
Reason: 6
Certificate Services revoked a certificate.
Serial Number: 730000005b712608f19c99f667000000005b
Reason: -1


The reason codes contained in the event mean:

0UnspecifiedThis is the default setting and indicates that there is no specific reason for the revocation.
1Key CompromiseThe private key of a certificate was stolen or otherwise known to unauthorized third parties.
2CA CompromiseThe private key of the certification authority was stolen or otherwise known to unauthorized third parties.
3Affiliation ChangedIf the content of the certificate (e.g. the name of the user) has changed, a new certificate must be issued.
4SupersededThe revoked certificate was replaced with a new certificate.
5Cessation of OperationThe operation of the service belonging to the certificate was discontinued, for example, because there is a new service under a different name.
6Certificate HoldThe certificate is revoked temporarily. This revocation type is the only one where the revocation can be subsequently undone.
8Remove from CRLIf a certificate was revoked with reason "Certificate Hold" and delta revocation lists are used, the revoked certificate is kept in the delta revocation list with this code until the entry in the main revocation list is removed.
-1UnrevokeIf a certificate has been revoked with reason "Certificate Hold", this code can be used to unblock it via command line. Likewise, in the auditEvent 4870 the undoing of a certificate revocation is marked with this code.

No description has been written for this yet.

Safety assessment

The security assessment is based on the three dimensions of confidentiality, integrity and availability.

No description has been written for this yet.

Microsoft rating

Microsoft evaluates this event in the Securing Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) Whitepaper with a severity score of "Low".

Related links:

External sources
